Now and New

First of all i would like to acknowledge the people who have gotten me this far towards my student exchange to Brazil.
My support team:Doug Mclean , Eruera Mita, karen Gow, Tania Raynes, Katherine Williams, Keita Wharewera,
John Peri, Rob Hirawini, Karen Rua,Rosey Kara, Sid Melbourne,
to any others that have shown support i give acknowledgment

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chile, Santiago to Brazil Sao Paulo then.......Florianopolis

3 day stop over in Santiago,Chilli

Day 1

Arrival at the International Airport from a eleven and a half hour

flight was so exhausting and the air food was below average to say the least but what can you do, and the only thing cool about the flight was the entertainment unit in the back of each seat.So we get to the Airport and we farewell another Rotary student from Argentina, Flow, who returned from N.Z. We got our baggage and we meet up with an exchange student from America named Kim who was beeing hosted by a Chile rotarian couple Raquel and her husbund who was there also. From the airport we went to our accommodation called Hotel Moltir where we just unloaded our swag and then we took off to lunch at a restaurante/swimming facility where we tryed the national drink of Chile which consisted of lime, lemon, brandy and tequila i think but we all just had one glass each. We stayed for the remainder of the day, it was so hot and the boys were rushing to jump in because the water looked so refreshing. After the swim we packed up and went back to the hotel to get changed for dinner.

Dinner is usually late so we went out at about 9.00pm to a pizza restaurante which was the most tastiest food i had eaten while i was there. We stayed there for about an hour and a half, then back to the hotel for some wireless internet and shut eye.

Day 2

Waking up in Santiago,Chile, South America was so excitng that i hardly had any sleep just about 6-7 hours and i had been awake for more than 24 hours the previous day. Got ready for the day and went down stairs for breakfast where i found some of my amigos there already, the hotel serves a nectarine juice box, a piece of toast,slice of cheese,a soft chocolate bar and a warm milk coffee or just tea... so new but non the less fills that early morning void and the coffee is so so delicious.

At a set time every ones ready and we go for a long journey to these place's called Valparaiso and Vina Del Mar, both cities have beautiful beaches full of life and these places are very interesting as tourist destinations. When we got there we went for a walk on the beach where all the boys were sold T'shirts which represented chile and another amigo bought himself a football because he was a player and a big fan of the sport and i some sun shades. We met another exchange student there too from America also but i forgot her name, she was schooling a N.Z girl on what school and her host family might be like so she goes prepared for what she would be encountering when her exchange began at the family on our way to lunch.Lunch time now and we went to a casino buffet which was so grand, the size ,the amount of people and just how classy this place looked because in the dinning area on two walls there was 4 plasma screens each and 2 each for the other 2 walls. The food was exquizard especially the dessert, it was so so sweet and different that i couldnt finish because i was so full, it's been like that most days. After this we went to the port market for a little look around where i bought a nice big sun hat and a live sketching of myself in pencil which portrays me as a younger version of myself yet the others thought i looked like a girl but i liked it, now of for a ferry around the port with the group to look at the massive tourist ship from Europe, the defence of navy batlle ships which was so wicked up close and a sea level view of the two city's that was i sight to remember. After this we went on a lift to a high point in the city where we can see the entire port and most of the 2 citys towards the port way that we were looking at which was a beautiful sight to see. We got to go for a little walk about around the little market that was on this high ground then it was off back to the hotel to get changed for dinner where we dinned at this beautifuly lit restaurante that was showing a cultural spectacle of Chile, alot of dancing, costumes and envolvment. The perfomers were so invigorating and i managed to capture some on my video camera. The food was so gooood and they presented the meat on a hot stove with the meat still heating up from the hot coals under the hot plate, so new, so fresh, so tasty. Most of our group got to get envolved as the performers would get the audience to get on stage and dance with them but i got the best dance as i got to dance with the performers from Easter Island and i have the photo from that night to prove the truth. Once the performers stoped the disco began, everyone who was keen got on the dance floor and boogied the night away so new, so out of my comfort zone just being a person i never met before. Its late now about half 1 and we all head back to the hotel for some internet and shut eye.

Day 3

Up in the morning preped for the day and just managed to get breakfast in me before we cruise to the presidents palace for a tour but he happened to be gone so we only got to see the exterior and the presidents own room where he praises the most high because he is Catholic. Now we take a little stroll looking at entertainers like a man who was still, who looked like a copper miner with his enitire outfit and body shining with copper paint, next we saw a group of 6 or 7 people dressed as businessmen/businesswomen who were doing random things in sequence which was quite hilleriouse. After we looked at these things we went into a very large Catholic Church which was my first time in a Catholic Church and I was astounded at the marvolouse art work and craftsmenship that was before my eyes, it was really poignant and I driffted on my own to sabre this momentus occasion as i read on the locals faces that they were really faithful. Once we left we travelled to this Rotarians house outside this township of Malloco whom put on a BBQ lunch for us and what a spread they had, simply divine and their hospitallities were so welcoming. The group all loved what was served and afterwards there was a swimminng pool that we were aloud to swim in and where we played games in stuff . After a while Murray our chaperone got me to russel up the boys and perform a haka in honor of our hosts, yet pre-warned a couple of days earlier i quickly gathered the men and took them through

Ka Mate, Ka Mate and it wasnt to shabby at first but as we got more and more repitition in us it started to look promising, so now that i had accommplished this task set by our chaperone our crew was honored by our hosts with a gift that was a musical instrument which was so cultured and the girls done a little song to then the entire group of N.Z exchange students done our national anthem in english then maori which was so cool and everybody just took away that shyness and got together and had a mary time. With everyone all cheery we all decided to have a game of football whch was fun and even more fun when we were wininng and even more! fun when the sprinklers came on. What a day, now we head back to our hotels to get dressed up because this is to be the last night in Santiago, Chile and we were aloud to go out and experience the night life, we all went out at about 11.30pm and went roaming until a couple of us got hungry and had some chile

Mc D's then we were of again to find a disco which we did and just danced the night away.... now it's 3.00am and its time we return back to the hotel for some internet and shut eye . At the latest the last to go to sleep went down at about 4.30 or close to it.

Today we go to Sao Paulo

up at 9am in the morning trying to make a move can feel fatigue from last nights jumping about and we are all looking sleep deprived. We got to pack our stuff and head down stairs where we all awaited for the host parents of Chile to pick up their students. One family after another came and we all had to say our greetings to these familys and farewells to our new friends then it was off to the airport for those of us that were leaving to Argentina and now that we are at the airport and we check in only to have our flight delayed so so went for a cup-of-joe and waited. The first to leave were 2 friends leaving to Argentina then it was Jorden Mckay, a student returing to Brazil Barbarra,a Rotex student Ruiha, the chaperones and myself to Sao Paulo, Brazil.

On the plane i sat next to Jordan and just syched him and myself up about how vast this place is and such. When we start flying over the city he and myself are astonished at the amount of lights that can be seen as far as the eye can see.we land and are bused to the terminal where we check in and get our baggage then its a wait for barbarra to get things at the gift shop for her family, but the guys had left them waiting long enough and go through without her and meet her family and our host rotary caregiver for the night Kyoshi Oshima. So we go to his place just a little small talk, but he was such a character and knowledgable man. Now that we get there we meet his family including an exchange student from Thailand named Thai. We are settled now with me and Jordan a bed each so we wash up for dinner, Pizza which was so filled with toppings butt so good and they had my drink guarana

which i adore. Now that we're finished i we were aloud to use their wireless internet but i needed to charge my laptop but they had no adapter so Kyoshi made a little trick called a gum-be-ah-ha

which was just two wires to fit around my plug and into the power point which worked like a charm and i was able to charge it over night while we slept. Up early in the morning and i decide to find Kyoshi who was taking the dog for a walk so i went to meet up with him and and i did, what a good stretch of the legs walking down hill and back up hill. When we got back we went on the jeep to a feira(market) to buy some things for the BBQ we were going to have for lunch and it was so cool to look around Sao Paulo. When we got to the feira it was a little smely and a guy came to us to say he will watch the car and we tip him later, so we did because Kyoshi said that we just say yes otherwise they might scratch your car or do something to it. Kyoshi had a list of what to get from the feira given to him by his wife, fish, meat, herbs and bananas and now that we had these things I got the chance to try this pesto thing that was prety good and this drink made from sugercane which didnt look great but once in your mouth was goodness. After we got these ingredients we went to Kyoshi's office to get a stereo then it was of to the butcher for the meat and some charcoal for the fire. We got back and unloaded everything so now by the time I returned to the room I found Jorden still asleep in his room which was kind of sad because i had done all these cool things and he had missed out. When he got up he got to taste the drink and the pesto thing, and now we were preping the BBQ but Kyoshi had it sorted and didnt want any help so i decided to get my swag sorted for when i go to Florianopolis by doing a load of washing and drying which i just managed to sort before we left with another family of rotarians whom had lunch with us also which was good. Now that we were about to go i handed over some gifts for the man and women of the house and the their young daughter who was about 5. We said oour goodbyes and headed of to the airport and where we said hooray and waited for our flight. I had to say bye to Jordan because his flight was earlier and on a different gate than mine becuse my flight got cancelled and i ended up having to catch a 6pm flight rather than my original 3pm flight.

Next post.

Hello Florianopolis and my new host family


  1. Great work Tihei I really got a feel for the newness of it all. So glad to see you making you own decisions. What fun it must have been seeing all the different markets.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Fabulous to read about all the neat things you are doing, the food you are eating and the places you are seeing. Keep writing Tihei!! Thanks!
