Now and New

First of all i would like to acknowledge the people who have gotten me this far towards my student exchange to Brazil.
My support team:Doug Mclean , Eruera Mita, karen Gow, Tania Raynes, Katherine Williams, Keita Wharewera,
John Peri, Rob Hirawini, Karen Rua,Rosey Kara, Sid Melbourne,
to any others that have shown support i give acknowledgment

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Previously on my travels

The past weeks ain't been so exciting as the others but like always there are

highlights that make Brazil a wonderful place to live.The Mothers day gone was a treat as my family met up with others from the family and had lunch together, Mothers day is one of the bigggest holidays in Brazil next to Christmas so when we got to the restaurant it was really full and this type of restaurant is not cheap to dine in. It was awsome the atmosphere was really fancy and the place even had a singer who wasn't too bad aswell. Whilst I was there I met a famous pro tennis player who lived in Florianopolis, and we got photos together too. The afternoon was great and afterwards we all said our good byes and went home. The following week was full of my original plans of capoeira and rugby but on a tuesday I was really flemmy and sneezing alot so I asked my host parents for a day to recover which I was granted.The rest of the week was was I got to use as my moment of weakness had passed and had got me prepared to utilize the rest of the week. Tht weekend our Rugby team had a rugby game against a neighbouring club, Joachina. We played tens rugby as our club doesn't have much under 18 players and their team does, what a hard game because not many players hadn't gone to the trainning and during the week and only came to the game so once fatigue kicked in early we started leting trys be scored yet everyone knew the problem to our demize but didn't want to see it coming and anticipate its arrival. The next day I used alot of my time thinking of a solution to what had happened and how we could improve our situation but when it comes down to it all we got a shortage of players for starters and secondly the players we do got need to commit a hundred percent to trainnings and games, wet, rain or shine.The week just gone was awsome too A full week but the rain has its way here of making people change their plans so our team was called off for a trainning and when it came to the next trainning during the week only five of us from our team showed among us five a newbee but I cant blame the others for not showing up because the trail that leads to the rugby field has giant puddles and is muddy as hell, all of us were forced to remove our footwear and trudge the rest of the way through the mud puddles. Since the rugby field was very wet from the down pours the only logical thing to do was to have a sand trainning but the sand was wet too so all of us just got really seasoned with sand.This saturday gone was great, I went to a Rotary conference in Balneario Camboriu. I met some Brazillians going and I met

other exchange students aswell living in other parts of Santa Catarina. I went there with an American friend Chris and we just hung out and stuff, after lunch all the students had to say a little something about themselves and where they are staying. Once we done that we got to sit and enjoy a presentation of Brazillian students in other countries which was cool to see that they were having a goodtime here and there all over the globe.After this we all were about to leave once we had said our goodbyes to one another.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Things have been getting really great for me lately, from monday to sunday everyday is just full of exciting things like on monday I have school which I am enjoying very much every single class and after lunch I return at about 4pm to do physical education which is always fun and new, then once we finish at about 6pm I begin catching the bus to go to capoeira practise at the university which is free. I love capoeira it is a source, for me, of yoga or pilates, here is where I balance things from rugby trainning, here is where I am peaceful and calm instead of hyped and agressive on the rugby field. We begin our sessions at about 7.30pm and finish at 9.30pm three times a week on mondays, wednesdays and fridays.

Tuesday was another awsome day of school and after lunch at about 2pm I return for english class which is compulsory like all others which is fun having others practise what I already know instead of me practising what they already know. Once we finish at about 4pm I go to the gym for about an hour before I go to rugby trainning by bus in another area on the Island called Lagoa De Conceicao.Trainning begins at 6.30pm and I am always attending trainning no matter the wheather, rain, wet or shine I am commited to giving my all for the club. We train for 2 hours more or less, finishing at about 8.30pm and then I go with friends to catch the bus back home.Wedensday is good, back to school for another day of brazilian schooling and after lunch I have another class in the afternoon at about 4pm. Spanish which is cool because there is alot of people from my class that are in here like me. Now that we finish at about 6pm I do the Capoeira again.Thursday is another day of school and this time I have no classes in the afternoon so I do things on my laptop and I go to the gym again but for a little longer before going to rugby trainning again.Friday is always a good day at school because the weekend follows, but still I miss class mainly those few within. No classes after lunch this day also so i just do things in my room maybe watch a little T.v in the sitting room, spending a little time with the family before going to the gym.Today i couldn't go to capoeira because my friend was having a farewell Bbq at his house so I decided to go there instead where alot of other exchange students were there giving their best wishes for the future to him.The night was awsome he put on a mexican theme for us all serving barito's, corn chips and some other things that had a distinct cultural name that I can't remember but the memory of the experience will stay for as long as I live. Everybody were having a good time dancing a little and taking alot of pictures to remember us all before he goes, I even gave him a parting gift, a red Bic pen that I remember him asking for because it was made in New Zealand. The night was coming to a close for us as people began leaving around midnight so I was about to say my goodbyes when another exchange student needed a place to stay because he lived far away and the buses stoped running so he had to come to my house for the night.


Today I left with my friend at about 10am to the rugby field where it was game day against a Santiago, Chile Rugby club and what a beautiful sunny day it was too.The first game started at 2pm so in the mean time I was helping prep the field by marking the lines with more white paint and setting up flags. Our teens Desterro team has just enough to field a game of 10's rugby so thats what we did. What a awsome game it was too mainly because I got a try within our 50m which I was very pleased with , my peers also. A hard game but at the end of the game we tied 17 all and at the end of it all its rugby culture here to rip the underwear out of the shorts of he who scores their very first try for the team which I was warned earlier but forgot so they all caught me off guard and surrounded me before I realized what was going on, then.... pain!! .

The next game to play was the adults and they all played well taking a win for the club and after their was another game with the Florianopolis selection whom I played with. And in this game I was still a little fatigued from the last game but played my best any way and to my skill level it payed of with another try and this time it was from within our 22m making me have to run almost the entire field, once I touched down i got the entire team cheering me saying how well I have done and from my action caused a momentum boost for the team that I could feel and from this another was to follow because before mine we were losing 10-0 but now that the team were fired up we had one of our forwards make a break in the line which I followed immediatly and assisted greatly once he got caught and passed the ball backward to me and from me I manged to get it to an attacking back line which was awsome to see and be followed through into a try.

The final result was 10-10 with no kicks converted so with all the games at an end it was pushing into the dark and a select few from our club team were put incharge of making the Bbq including myself which I was put directly into flipping the patties. Once we were finished it was time to walk to the local bus terminal to return back to our homes for some shut eye.


My family are big fans of football especially my host father for a local club called AVAI and today they had made the Santa Catarina state finals against a team from the biggest city in the state called Joinville.

Today we are all up bright and early and we go to the beach in a place called Campeche which is a beautiful place and the sun rises from the ocean here in the east which reminds me of home. We stay there for about an hour n a half then we go to the house of my host fathers cousin, Henato, for a Bbq and here we are all Avai supporters to the MAX with everyone wearing football shirts with nothing but Avai regalia. The Bbq was awsome and gave us enough energy to cheer on the team for the rest of the night. We all went together and on our way you can just see groups of blue all over the palce and in cars infront, behind and passing us. It was great seeing so much commitment for football here and by the time we got there like an hour early people in pubs and bars near by were already chanting Avai and other people already selling 2010 champion merchandise. The game was outrageos, the stadium has a capacity of 17,000 yet the radio screamed the total of 17,500, people were all excited once the first to score was Avai and even more when they got a second, from there they had the game in the bag and the fans were going psycho all shouting together eplicit remarks that are not to be repeated yet it happens every game but this time they were even mentioning a team that wasn't even playing but just hate this team very much for some reason. The final score was 0-2 to Avai and our family were so pleased with the result that we went out for dinner and on the way shouting aloud for all to here like everyone else that Avai are champions and after dinner on the way back to our home, what a night to remember and now for some sleep but still can hear the beeps of cars and very loud stereo anouncing the victory.