The past weeks ain't been so exciting as the others but like always there are
highlights that make Brazil a wonderful place to live.The Mothers day gone was a treat as my family met up with others from the family and had lunch together, Mothers day is one of the bigggest holidays in Brazil next to Christmas so when we got to the restaurant it was really full and this type of restaurant is not cheap to dine in. It was awsome the atmosphere was really fancy and the place even had a singer who wasn't too bad aswell. Whilst I was there I met a famous pro tennis player who lived in Florianopolis, and we got photos together too. The afternoon was great and afterwards we all said our good byes and went home. The following week was full of my original plans of capoeira and rugby but on a tuesday I was really flemmy and sneezing alot so I asked my host parents for a day to recover which I was granted.The rest of the week was was I got to use as my moment of weakness had passed and had got me prepared to utilize the rest of the week. Tht weekend our Rugby team had a rugby game against a neighbouring club, Joachina. We played tens rugby as our club doesn't have much under 18 players and their team does, what a hard game because not many players hadn't gone to the trainning and during the week and only came to the game so once fatigue kicked in early we started leting trys be scored yet everyone knew the problem to our demize but didn't want to see it coming and anticipate its arrival. The next day I used alot of my time thinking of a solution to what had happened and how we could improve our situation but when it comes down to it all we got a shortage of players for starters and secondly the players we do got need to commit a hundred percent to trainnings and games, wet, rain or shine.The week just gone was awsome too A full week but the rain has its way here of making people change their plans so our team was called off for a trainning and when it came to the next trainning during the week only five of us from our team showed among us five a newbee but I cant blame the others for not showing up because the trail that leads to the rugby field has giant puddles and is muddy as hell, all of us were forced to remove our footwear and trudge the rest of the way through the mud puddles. Since the rugby field was very wet from the down pours the only logical thing to do was to have a sand trainning but the sand was wet too so all of us just got really seasoned with sand.This saturday gone was great, I went to a Rotary conference in Balneario Camboriu. I met some Brazillians going and I met
other exchange students aswell living in other parts of Santa Catarina. I went there with an American friend Chris and we just hung out and stuff, after lunch all the students had to say a little something about themselves and where they are staying. Once we done that we got to sit and enjoy a presentation of Brazillian students in other countries which was cool to see that they were having a goodtime here and there all over the globe.After this we all were about to leave once we had said our goodbyes to one another.
Time for another post Tihei. Wondering what choice things you are going to rub my nose in this weekend. LOL