Now and New

First of all i would like to acknowledge the people who have gotten me this far towards my student exchange to Brazil.
My support team:Doug Mclean , Eruera Mita, karen Gow, Tania Raynes, Katherine Williams, Keita Wharewera,
John Peri, Rob Hirawini, Karen Rua,Rosey Kara, Sid Melbourne,
to any others that have shown support i give acknowledgment

Monday, February 22, 2010


My very first carnival. It was so new and full of excitement as it happens once a year, the locals are so enthused about this national holiday too very much. On my first day of carnival I went downtown with friends to look at what this cultural experience will be like which I found to be really energetic as the sound system almost made my ears bleed as i was moving amongst the multitude of people with my friends yet the locals we were getting past were just having an alcohol fuelled good time. Once we reached where we wanted to go we were just overlooking the crowd from where we were.on our little journey we met up with friends and began hanging out watching at one point what seemed to be a fight on the edges of the crowd.its getting late and now I catch the bus to the beach house .

On the next day my host mother and I organised some exchange students to come over for a BBQ and to participate in the local carnival parade that was about to take place that day. When they came over they started pulling out their cameras once we all got our official carnival shirts and wrist band that allowed us into an exclusive carnival festival party with the locals where the drinks and food were free. The place was cool they had good sounds and everybody was dancing so some of us exchange students got the nerve to go and dance with each other like myself. The day pushed on and crowd began moving on down the street with a truck that had a cow decoration over it. We all paraded across main st whilst the parade had their band that made all of us really cheerful parading around looking at the bystanders and us at them just all having a good time. We returned the same way we left dancing and trying to sumba all the way back to the place we left. We stayed their till night fall then the others decided enough so we walked back to the beach house which wasnt to far and once we got back played cards and gossiped a little bit before some of the parents came to pick up the students except this German guy Lars who stayed over the night.

Today me and my friend Lars went to town where we looked around the markets a bit before he went home and so we went to the bus terminal and before he left i rang up some other friends who were going to do something that night so i told them I will meet them at one of their host families house as they were at the other friends house and now i had to seek direction from my friend Lars before he left on his bus and I on mine. I got there just fine in the end but once I got to the house I was early though but I was familier with the family and just let my self be known and waited there, where I was invited to swim in the pool while i waited which I did. When they got here we hung out a bit and even played video games, our plans were to go to another carnival in the neighbourhood of Santinho but the rain changed our plans entirely as it was really heavy with lightning so now its a little late I got directions from one of my friends and made a safe journey by bus to my host parents beach house where i settled down for the day to ready for tomorrow.

Tomorrow came and I prep myself for the day because now is the last day of Carnival and firstly i make arrangements to stay at the my friend Lars house becuse to get back to the beach house it takes about an hour and a half because from central florianopolis I would have to go to three bus terminals, where is if I was able to stay at Lars host parents house with him we only have to catch one bus meaning i could stay longer and enjoy myself that little bit more with the others. And now that I had set the plan with my host parents I took a bus directly into centrol downtown where I would find the others. We found each other after a little bit there was about five of us including an American university exchange student but some others were still coming by bus so then we decided to go to the show grounds made especially for carnival floats and sumba formations, it was really cool the costumes and vibrations the band were giving off was such a cultural experience. The time pushed a little and finaly my other friends were about to arrive so I went to the central bus terminal to pick them up and show them where all the other exchange students were but before we went to the showgrounds we got something to eat which was satisfying then it was off to find the rest of the friends. Now that we found them it was good that we were altogether and now there were more exchange students to meet who were being hosted in the state of Parana but they decided to spend their last night in Florianopolis which was fun to meet more people from Germany,Australia and Mexico. We all were having a good time on our exchange alot of laughs and stories were shared under all the noise of the music and crowds of people. The night was geting late so we decided to call it a night, first to go were the bus people like us exchange students here in Florianopolis because they had a taxi cab fome otr them for the whole night so they carried on with the festivities we had to wine down and go back home otherwise we would have missed our bus.

1 comment:

  1. love your stories Tihei. You make me feel like Im really there. I love the description of the noise nearly making your ears bleed and the locals just wandering on like nothing is extreme. Sounds like New Years in Nigeria. Unbelievable.
