Now and New

First of all i would like to acknowledge the people who have gotten me this far towards my student exchange to Brazil.
My support team:Doug Mclean , Eruera Mita, karen Gow, Tania Raynes, Katherine Williams, Keita Wharewera,
John Peri, Rob Hirawini, Karen Rua,Rosey Kara, Sid Melbourne,
to any others that have shown support i give acknowledgment

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Whats new under the sun in Brazil

The past weeks have been tough but exciting because I have pushed my self a little more at rugby trainnings and have been forcing that stretch at capoeira a little more too.Rugby trainning on tuesdays and thursday have been lacking in players I was noticing so now that when I went to a trainning and it was only three including me was the time I felt I had to train with the adults rugby team whom train until late but which always has a full trainning of 30+ players all ready and commited to running the ball hard,tackling hard and running circuits that make you want to vomit, if you get targeted to be pushed by the trainer who is from Argentina.I have trainned with them for a week so far and on my first day my neck was stiff for the next 2 days and on my 2nd day we ran alot which made my legs scream and made me walk funny until the next trainning on saturday which was a little better because we had some players from my team train so we were all doing the same thing pushing it but not exactly pouring out that sweat.Capoeira has been a good way to fully stretch out those sore muscles that have been aching alot and make me walk different. But at the same time im also improving my techniques and learning more manouvers but im not sure of their names though, still I can do them the more I practise,the more my monouvers are being executed properly to fit the fighting/dance style of capoeira. Im improving my instrumentals too which is good because sometimes we have to multi task by singing a little bit whislt we play our instrument but its those bits where the group has to sing that I need to improve because the lyrics are hard to learn correctly under all the loud sound of our instruments.

The 2 weeks ago I went to a place called Larges for a rugby 10's day. This paticular place is above 1000 metres above sea level so during our trip, 3 hours long made us depart from Florianoplis at about 6am more or less by cars and we were constantly travelling on a slight angle upwards and upwards along the beautiful country side of deep valleys and large hills and mountains until we got to our destination.This day we were schedueled to play 4 games against the Larges and another team from the capital of the state, Joinville.Once we got there it was bloody cold so we were all out and about in the sun tossing the rugby ball around trying to generate some heat until our organizer met up with the organizer there and confirmed some details before we got changed into our rugby gear and got some ball skills going with a game of touch, now that we were out prompting our selves for the match ahead the other teams were not long to follow. Once all teams were on the field and had stretched out a bit we were to wait the first game out until we got to play the next.Now that we played we got the best of the Joinville team by winning with no trys scored against us, it stayed like this through all our matches with our team winning by tremendous leaps, so now by the time we got to our last game we had already won enough games to be declared the top team of the day and the last game was canceled by an anonymous decision.

During our games I managed to find another maori from Ngati Porou who use to live in Auckland before here, it was cool to meet another brother from the same country.He was playing for the joinville team so it was cool to know he only lives close to where I am. I scored 2 try's while I played ,one from running over the winger and been tackled and falling over the line and the pass was to me standing with me having to run about 10m from starting position, and the next was from me beeing the full back/wing , I joined the attacking back line and got the offload from a forward right by the line and from there it was smooth sailing once he set me up by taking the last the end of the ruby all the team got ready and went to a bar where the after function was being held and we alltalked a bit before my ride was ready to go and leave Larges and the rest of the gang.Now the Portugues is reallu improving ,I don't speak english now unless Im not undestood properly then I will either say it english or rethink what im trying to say and deliver it another way and in most cases this works.In july there will be a weekend long rugby Brazil rugby team selection competition for under 18's and only those selected from each state may go and in this state our coach and another has been delegated to select those of us who will be going to the compitition.The last friday night gone I went to a leaving party of some exchange students from Germany, I arrived there with a friend from Austria and before we entered the gate we coincidentally met with another exchange student from Mexico and some of his friends. We were almost the first to arrive there and when we did only another who had arrived from Germany about 2 months ago had arived before us which was cool because now that we were there it didn't take long before wehad a crowd and then soon enough there were people left, right and all parts of the house in and out. It was cool to see how much people you can get to know in a year and how strong relationships can be bonded, makes me think of how it will happen for me but when I do i know it will be good for sure and that I have no problems when it comes to the amount of people that I formed that bond with.Anyway the party was cool I played Fifa Soccer on playstation for the first time and they were serving different types of a yum finger food called cozinha commonly made of chicken potatoe deep fried, only a little bigger than a ping pong ball and these are in found in almost every dairy in Brazil. The music was cool, it was a mix of modern American and Brazilian.We had people playing texas holdem and others conversing with everyone even if they didn't even know them, even I worked up the nerve to talk to a girl at the party who I never met before and before I knew it she was really conversing with me and so after a little while we exchanged numbers and facebook and she introduced me to her friends and they all didn't go to the same school but were friends with the Germans I think.While the time started getting later and later in the night so I got a ride with some friends

once we got the finishing call from the parents.The next day I had rugby trainning and I had got up late to catch the bus and I felt really sleep deprived but I didn't let get to me.When I got to trainning I was lucky it was just about to begin so I had to hurry my gear on and rush to the starting line.It was a good sweat up full of circuits and mauling stratagies.

Afterwards I ate lunch at my friends house and played some videogames a bit before walking to another friends house 4km down the road which was o.k because the view from the beach is breathtaking and my friend is trying to learn guitar so he plays a little while I sing a little and just fool around all the way there. Once we arrived he wasn't there so I decided to catch the next bus home because the day was beginning to darken and by the time I got home the day turned to complete darkness so I beat my rule to get home before dark becuase I don't want to cause my host parents any worries because the darkness is full of dangers for tourists.This weeks tuesday trainning was interessting for 2 reasons ,one we trained in the sand and two, I got a narly scratch mark from a high tackle and I was too focused on the trainning to focus on injury's that occured just then so I thought it to be a sand graze but once I got home and cleaned up a little I looked at the damage and found it to be serious.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Tihei Looks like you really are making the most of this time. Keep it up.
