Now and New

First of all i would like to acknowledge the people who have gotten me this far towards my student exchange to Brazil.
My support team:Doug Mclean , Eruera Mita, karen Gow, Tania Raynes, Katherine Williams, Keita Wharewera,
John Peri, Rob Hirawini, Karen Rua,Rosey Kara, Sid Melbourne,
to any others that have shown support i give acknowledgment

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The big 18

Last week gone was so cool, from monday to sunday I had been spending a lot of time with rugby friends after school and doing things around the the city like going to the arcade at the shopping centers and just being teenagers fooling around the place, especially my friends being stupid sometimes just randomly walking up to girls and asking them for the time and pretending not to hear making them repeat themselves over and over until they finally got the hint and went away, it was amusing for a while before we had enough and just began roaming the place here and there looking for our next little adventures on the island. Rugby has been getting better with the Brazil U19 rugby selection championship about to begin on the 18 of July. More and more players are beginning to show their faces again for the trainning needed if we are to succeed in the championship and players from another club are about to begin trainning with our club players to build the numbers that are needed so badly!.Friday night I was out with a good rugby friend at his friends house for a BBQ. We went together and once we got their it was only his friend that lived there for now because we arrived at about 6.30. We all had to pay $10 for the Bbq because we were the ones incharge with putting it together.Since the rest
of the guys had'nt shown yet we decided to go to the shop and get some drinks and chicken heart to go with the Bbq which is really tasty when eaten with the rest of the meat or even when eaten alone.Once we returned it was time to put on some music and start grooving to the music before the others were about to arrive.When the guys did arrive I met a guy who I had'nt me but the others I had got to know from before. They arrived at about 9.30 more or less and now that they had it was time to start the fire by tipping in the charcoal and igniting the paper to burn the chracoal but it took the guys a little while to do so, so I had to step in and put the fire together which I did without hesitation.The beef and chicken was looking so good that we put them on as soon as we was ready to.By the time everything was ready it was already midnight but that did'nt stop the boys from enjoying the meal that we all helped contribute to put together and prepare. Afterwards it was really late and the guys decided to call it in for the night. My mates and I were up early before sunrise even but that did,nt worry me non, we all just decided to finish up what was left of the Bbq and catch the bus back to our homes and on the way home I got a call from the family wishing me a happy birthday and that was nice to hear their voices again since it had been a long time since I spoke to them last. Once I got home I took a shower and preped myself for a national holiday called festa junina and our rugby club was spending the holiday in a town at a beach north of the island called Inglesses and so Once I had everything ready to go I caught thhe bus to the bus terminal where I was called earlier to wait for some of the guys who were going to pick me up and we would go and collect wood for the party. It was a tight squeeze in the back with some wood stacked already and it was about to be more of a squeeze once we get more but I managed.Once we got to the party it was my first experience of a festa junina, people dress different like their gypsies or something wearing bright colours and sowed on patches of colours onto their normal clothing which is different and fun. The place that the party was held was awsome it had all sorts of little mini games to win prizes and leisure games like foosball and snooker and other types like air rifle shooting. I left early at about 5pm because I had to get home for my host father and I's birthday party at home and it was cool too. When I got home, family just started arriving which was great because the gifts just started coming from here and there and before I knew it, it was time to blow out the fire on the candle and make a wish. My cake was a strawberry cake with lots of whipped cream and my host fathers cake was a chocolate cake with a layer of caramel in between the layers. It was good to see all the faces there and everything going smoothly that I was starting to get restless so decided to pack it in and call it in after things had calmed down. The next day there was so much left overs that I just got to help myself with all that was there which was nice . I was planning on seeing an friend who was at my school in Gisborne but he didn't call so I hung around the place with the family and enjoyed the relaxing sunday for the fruitful week to come.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet as Tihei, Sounds like a great birthday. You really are getting to see the happenings of Brazil now. I bet the mood was glum when they got kicked out of the world cup. Great to see you reporting I'll forward it to Doug for Rotary on Monday.
